What to look for in a digital marketing agency for your small business

You are a small-business owner and you want to push your social marketing more. So you decide to hire a digital marketing agency. But which agency should you choose? Today’s market is primed for the rise of the digital marketing agency and there are loads of them. It can be difficult to choose which one to trust.

Of course, you can always ask around — see who your friends recommend or maybe go to networking events and meet some of them. Still, you will need to know what their best selling points are before jumping into bed with an agency. In this post, we give you some tips on how to decide which agency is best for you.

See what their clients are saying

Don’t just rely on one place to look at what the agency’s clients are saying. While it’s good to read the testimonials, it is also best if you look at other things too. For one, read the case studies they’ve written on their clients. What was the problem? How did they solve it? How long did it take them to resolve it? Were there other issues that came up during the whole process? How did they solve the new issues? See whether their client’s problem is similar to yours. Look at the results and whether or not they delivered based on the client’s goals. Read these things not only on their website but also Google reviews as well as Facebook reviews. Usually social media reviews will mention about the vibe of the team and how easy it was to work with them, which can be helpful in making your decision.

How flexible are they?

As small-business owners, we know that things are limited — time, cashflow, knowledge and understanding on certain topics. And the agency you choose should understand your constraints as well. Are they willing to sit down with you and explain how things work so you can make educated decisions about where you want your business to go (even if they have to talk to you like a six-year-old because you know nothing)? What are their fees like and is it flexible or affordable? Are the packages created specifically to what you need and want right now? Also make sure that they are not pushing softwares to you just because they have an affiliation with it.

What they are like IRL

You’ve read their website. You’ve read the reviews. You’ve looked at their case studies and success stories. But to be honest, there are many times when personalities don’t come across online. Sometimes, face to face interaction is still best. There are a couple of ways to do this without stalking the agency you are eyeing. First, take on their free consultation even if it’s only 30 minutes. Sitting down with someone will help you gauge whether or not they are the right fit for you. Are they too hip? Too big for your small business? Another way is to attend their workshops (if they have any). Not only will you get helpful information from them, you will also get a chance to have a chat with the agents.

Know what’s important to your small business before looking for a digital marketing agency. That way you already have a clear picture of what your needs are and how much budget you’re willing to put into it. A little research on how social media and digital marketing can help you won’t hurt as well.

Brenda Gaddi, Digital Marketing Specialist, 3C Digital