Cashflow solutions for challenging times

Interest rates going up? Staff hard to find? Inflation pressures across your supply chains? Another La Nina summer? These can be challenging times for small businesses. 

Staying on top of your cashflow is more important than ever. Did you know your trusted tax or business adviser can help you develop tailored, effective and actionable cashflow strategies using the ATO’s Cash Flow Coaching Kit?

This step-by-step resource builds on four key cashflow questions:

  • Are you trading profitably?
  • Have you put enough cash aside to meet your regular financial commitments?
  • Does your business have enough to spend on myself and pay others?
  • Is your business getting ahead or falling behind?

Using your answers to these questions your adviser will work with you to develop sustainable cashflow solutions using a range of tools:

  • A Business Health Check to assess your current cashflow.
  • Discover topics to identify any cashflow issues.
  • A cashflow canvas to visually show you how cash is flowing in and out of your business.
  • Change levers to help you improve your cashflow practices.
  • Action checklist that sets out key actions you need to take to improve your cashflow.

Ask your tax or business adviser about the Cash Flow Coaching Kit today. Can you really afford not to?