How to build a brand out of your influence


1. Stay true to you

Your followers/fans love you for you, so it’s important that the brand is a natural reflection of your personality and the things you are known for. It’s equally as important that you’re designing and creating with your fans and followers in mind. It’s creating that fine balance of designs that matches your style but also your followers’ wants and needs.

2. Partner with the right team

Building a brand, especially an apparel brand requires a team of people, from designers, through to production managers, marketing wizards and everything in between. Going it alone may seem like the more cost-effective option but in the long term, it’s actually much more costly. Doing it right the first time can save you money in the long run. Your time is better spent on gaining exposure for your brand.

3. Attention to detail

Customers appreciate consistency and attention to detail. This doesn’t mean you can’t try new and different things. This is more about showing up and delivering the product they expect. From design through to order fulfillment, it’s the small things that make a big difference. Disappointed customers are the worse thing for brands starting out and they will move on from you quickly if you don’t deliver.

4. Storytelling is a skill

Every brand tells a story – and you should know how your products work with your story. When Kylie Jenner created lip kits, she spoke about her insecurities with her lips and how lipstick made her feel confident. Customers want to connect with your brand, not just your product. What values and personal qualities does your brand have? People come to us wanting to start a fashion brand and most of them know what type of product they want to design, but they haven’t thought about Brand Development or Marketing. People stay with us to build a brand and our first conversation is generally about their Brand and the story they want to tell.

5. It won’t happen overnight

Building a brand takes time, even if you sell out overnight. It’s about testing the market place and making sure you’re built to scale from day one. Be patient and allow for trial and error. While it might seem like everyone is doing it, only a few people are truly successful at it.

Simon and Yetta Rawadi, Founders, Slyletica