Five steps to selling your products better through video

It’s no secret that product videos have transformed how businesses drive sales online. According to Invesp, a customer who views a product video is up to 144 per cent more likely to add that product to their cart than one who doesn’t.

Impressive statistics aside, a product video will only achieve valuable results for your business if it’s made well. For small businesses looking to sell their products via video, here are five steps to get you started.

Determine your goals

What type of audience do you want to reach? How will you reach them? What are your KPIs for the video? What is the end result? Without determining your goals from the get-go, it will be difficult to assess the video’s success at the end of your campaign. Mapping out clear goals is simple and will act as a highly useful guide when creating and editing your video content.

Choose the best type of product video

Product videos can take a variety of forms, but the most common types are detail videos and demo videos.

Detail videos are made to give the customer a closer look at an item for sale. These videos are key to selling visual products like clothing, accessories and furnishings. They are often shot up close, in high resolution and try to give a 360-degree view of the product.

Demo videos, on the other hand, show products in use and are great for practical home appliances and technology that require a little more explanation. A demo video can be shot in a studio or staged in an environment that a product is likely to be used in, like a home. They can highlight features, benefits and technical components to potential buyers.

Find the perfect setting

Generally, there are two main options: a plain background or a contextual setting.

A plain background is usually best used for detail videos, as it allows the eye to be less distracted by its surroundings. The product will be the centre of focus, allowing it to shine (especially if you use a lightbox).

In contrast, a contextual setting is the best choice for demo videos. By filming a product in its natural setting, you can help further demonstrate its benefits and uses.

Use good lighting

Did you know that lighting is one of the most critical aspects of creating a video? It allows you to set the mood for the video, as well as provide a realistic representation of the product.

One of the best ways to achieve optimal lighting for a product video is using a three-point lighting system, made up of a Key Light, which is your primary light, the Fill Light, which fills in any shadows produced by your key light, and the Back Light, which separates your subject from the background.

You should also avoid using coloured gels or any other add ons that might distort the true appearance of the product. You don’t want your customers returning items because they don’t look like the video on your website.

Keep your videos short and simple

It’s a good idea to keep your videos snappy and to the point. According to Wistia, videos that are two minutes or less have a higher engagement rate. If the video is over two minutes, the retention rate drops significantly over time.

When considering the right amount of time for a product video, the rule of thumb is generally around 30 seconds for a detail video, consisting of a few closeup shots, and then around two minutes in length for a demo video. Demo videos are usually longer due to their instructional nature.

Anna Ji, Head of Product, Clipchamp