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Politics is not a dirty word

Building networks, giving feedback, learning from others, building influence and sharing ideas are all examples of polit...

Perth cafe to face court over alleged falsified pay records

A Perth cafe allegedly allegedly prepared falsified payslips that it asked its employees to present to FWO investigator...
obligation, adapting workplace, balancing, plan

Adapting during challenging times

The pandemic has forced many businesses into adapting to a new environment, making it necessary to change business plans...

Creating a COVID Christmas

Holiday-related searches on Pinterest started increasing from April this year as many craved the comfort and excitement ...

Digital transformation –automating processes without breaking the bank

Small businesses can utilise low-code/no-code communications platforms for cost-effective digital transformation and aut...
reforms, spiral

“Game-changing” insolvency law set to take effect 1 January

The new insolvency law set to take effect on 1 January, has been described as "a game-changer for small businesses" by t...

SMEs urged to watch their cashflow this Christmas

SME owners are being urged to plan ahead this Christmas season to be ready for the "graveyard period" in Feb and March w...

Top tips on getting started in the business of snacking

We have to constantly evolve with customers' ever-changing eating habits, and COVID-19 has seen an undeniable rise in sn...
business leader, vision, leading

Lead yourself first

The four key practices for aspiring leaders in order that they not only effectively lead a team but also earn the trust ...
qr codes

Why small businesses must go beyond QR codes to aid their economic recovery

The QR codes system is the first line of defence in keeping the doors of SMEs open but it doesn’t provide a fully compre...