Jeremy Cousins

From the author

The impact of the new minimum wage and high income threshold

What will the new minimum wage and high income threshold mean for the rights of workers and the compensation they can cl...

Managing employment termination issues

A detailed look at the employment laws you need to consider before you part ways with an employee.

Personal liability for breaches of employment laws

Business owners, investors, directors, managers, payroll officers and external accounts can all be personally liable for...

Identifying and preventing bullying in the workplace

Bullying can constitute a risk to health and safety that is either a visible physical risk or a non-visible mental risk ...

Dealing with disciplinary issues

The Fair Work Act 2009 requires employers to have a reason for dismissal over disciplinary issues that is “sound, defens...

How to avoid discrimination and adverse action claims

Not all discrimination is unlawful - here we pick our way through the minefield of what is and isn't allowed.

Human Resources policies for your small business

The importance of, and risks relating to, human resources policies that small businesses ought to consider.

Understanding employment contracts

A guide to understanding employment contracts and ensuring they are clear and well-written for the benefit of both emplo...

How to avoid litigation when recruiting

Small businesses, particularly those with a desire to expand, can sometimes be tempted to oversell the nature of a posit...

Understanding minimum conditions of employment and the recruitment process

Businesses must understand that an employment contract cannot override an employee's statutory rights in defining their ...