Chris Rolls
Chris Rolls' career path has demonstrated his ability as both a founder and investor who can start, grow, invest in, and most importantly exit businesses across multiple industries. In 2016, Chris founded PieLAB Venture Partners, which invested in real estate related technology businesses. This has now become PieLAB Capital, which invests in recurring revenue cashflow-positive businesses with an eye on long-term growth. In his last business, Rental Express, Chris grew the company to become the largest privately owned property management business in Queensland, with over $2.4 billion of property under management. He sold Rental Express to BRW rich lister Paul Little in 2015.
From the author

A succession plan for your business that will continue to build on your legacy
An evergreen private equity model can ensure a business, its employees and its customers are looked after well beyond th...
Aug 10, 2022